Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Competencies, Skills, and Attributes

Hi. My name is Ron. I am one of the faculty members for IRE. This fall I have been helping the students establish an efficient working structure, interacting with our industry partners, and developing what will ultimately be our curriculum when school starts in January.

One of the premises of our program is that it is outcome based. Our students have been working very hard to develop assessments for the outcomes. In this style of education, the student is presented with an outcome they are expected to achieve. The outcome is defined as a continuum from novice....to......expert. Think perhaps along the lines of a scale of 1-10. Where one is novice and 10 is expert. At the beginning of their IRE experience, students will work with faculty to determine their individual starting point on the continuum. Then, as their time at IRE goes by, they will be performing tasks that allow them to move down the continuum towards expert. Graduation will be possible when the student reaches a high level of achievement in a high percentage of outcomes.

Outcomes come in the forms of competencies, skills, and attributes.

Competency is defined as the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually. wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn Think of this as knowledge acquisition.

Skill is the ability to do something well.
www.nga.gov/education/classroom/heroes_and_heroines/glossary.shtm Think of this as something that can be attained through practice.

Attributes are characteristics or qualities. en.wiktionary.org/wiki/attribute Think of attributes as the characteristics that make up who we are and how we act as people.

The outcomes students attain will be competencies, skills, and attributes that are both technical and professional in nature.

Proofed by Angie

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