Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bill Beyer’s Industry Message

Instructor Ron Ulseth, recently had an email sent to him from a former graduate of ICC about the kinds of things the Iron Range Engineering Program should cover. Bill Beyer and his employer came up with these key elements.

"There are 3 things shown in this document."

1. An engineer should be a master at the methods shown. This document is a standard calculation sheet we use in house at North Engineering
Company. The topics listed at the top have been created by us as necessary components to calculation sets. Being able to use these steps
in a design will give engineers a good practice to build their designs around. It will also give them a good way to approach and solve many

2. An engineer should be able to define a project in four paragraphs. When the opportunity for a project surfaces you need to define the
background of the project, the problem that needs to be solved, what the solution or possible solutions will be, and finally, what benefit does
the project have. Also, this method can be applied to different things, such as, a method to decide whether you should purchase certain
software or what kind of training should I attend.

3. Group Dynamics: I think this speaks for itself. Engineers need to recognize teamwork and participate in that environment, they need to
know when they need to lead, they need to know when they should follow, finally, be able to judge and know when they should take a stand.
-"These are the things that we came up with as good things to fit into the program."

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