Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Final Design Reviews

Today each group presented their semester long project to the rest of the students and faculty at IRE. The presentations went very well. Every person at IRE has made large strides to becoming very successful presenters. The content presented today was also reviewed positively by the faculty present. We also had a few guests today for FDR. The business students from Mankato who have been working with the entrepreneurial groups, along with one of their instructors, Dr. Booker, came to help and watch the presentations. I can say I learned quite a bit about each of the other projects and the successes they have had throughout the semester and was quite impressed with everyone. The projects we presented were also compared to successful masters level projects, so we felt pretty good, but not all of the feedback was positive. We all received personal and group feedback on presentation skills and on content. These comments are necessary and helpful, so we can make the next FDR that much better.

FDR signals the approach to the end of the semester. With all the work everyone has to do, I, at least, have not given it much thought, but we all will be starting our summers very soon. For the rest of the semester we will be finishing our technical reports, the rest of our oral exams and we will do a final defense for our semester grades.

Proofed by: Erin Lamke

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