Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time Recording

One habit I've gotten into at IRE is recording what I do throughout the day. A lot of the responsibility of learning is put into our hands. It can be easy to lose track of what I need to do, or what I've been doing. If there is no rigid schedule, it's difficult to determine if enough work is put into concepts each day. With our ever-changing schedules, I don't work on the same things from day to day.

Shortly after we began learning our concepts, I started recording what was done and how much time was spent on these things each day. This has helped immensely in determining whether or not I've spent enough time towards my learning or if I've truly spent 40 hours a week working. This is also helpful to see how many hours I spent learning each competency, so I know how much more work to put into each subject before the end of the semester.

At previous schools, I never considered the importance of time documentation. This is just another example of how IRE has helped me develop new work habits that I wouldn't have practiced at other colleges.

Proofed by Matthew Korpela

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