Thursday, April 3, 2014

SME National Conference

In February, four students from Iron Range Engineering had the opportunity to travel to Salt Lake City, Utah for the national SME (Society of Mining and Metallurgical Exploration) conference. The students spent three days at the conference; networking, attending speakers, and learning more about mining all over the United States. One of the sessions the students attended was about leadership and project management. It made them feel good to know that professionals at the conference were teaching what they were hearing from the IRE faculty and staff. The time the students were not at the conference, they spent visiting the Salt Lake and eating fantastic food. It was a great experience for the students and they recommend that all students try and attend a conference of some sort as students before they attend one as professionals.

By: Kali O’Brien

Proofread by: Kate Olafson and Kylie Harer 

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