Monday, July 16, 2012

IRE Groundbreaking Ceremony

As some of you might have heard, last Friday was a very exciting day for IRE.  It was the groundbreaking ceremony and reception for the new building.  When the government shut down last summer, the grant for the new building was included in the budget.  The new building, along with other renovations, will include: an electronics lab, manufacturing lab, project rooms (with real walls), student life center, and an exercise area.  The students and faculty are looking forward to this building and the improved environment it will bring to IRE.  The students at IRE are very thankful for the improved learning atmosphere and also the huge benefit current and future students will have.  This building started out as a dream and will soon be a reality.  The building will help establish IRE as a program and aid greatly in the unique learning that happens.  There were many people involved in making this happen and without them, it would still be a dream. 

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