Monday, February 15, 2010

QBQ- The Question Behind The Question

In class as an assignment each student was to read a book called QBQ and reflect on it. QBQ, The Question Behind The Question deals overall with personal accountability for yourself. "QBQ is a tool that has been tested and fixed over the years that is used to practice personal accountability to ask better questions" this is the quote the author opens the book with. In the book it talks about how many people ask what seem to be innocent questions but lack all personal responsibility. A student working at a fast food restaurant may ask questions such as, when will someone come and train me. Or why do they keep changing the menu numbers on us. Or why can't the men clean the bathrooms correctly. As I stated before all of these seem like pretty innocent questions but you are putting the blame on everyone else and holding none of it on your on shoulders.

This can be solved by, "making better choices in the moment by asking better questions" a direct quote from the author. The book lays out three rules to ask better questions. The first is begin with "What" or "How", not "Why" or "When". The second should contain an "I" not "they", "them," or "you". The third should focus on the action. Therefore, the student working at the fast food restaurant could ask, "What can I do to help the men clean the bathroom." Or, "How can I help train myself." So overall the main points of this book are no victim thinking or blaming. Always ask yourself what you can do to help and don't put blame on others. Also I can only change me, don't try and change others or force others to change by making them the victim. Focus on yourself and what you can do better. Last but not least take action. Don't wait for someone else to do it, if you can do it do it. Or try to figure out how it can be done and repetition is the motor of learning. Keep practicing and you will get better at personal accountability. I believe this book is something everyone can gain knowledge from. I highly recommend everyone to look into reading this book.


Proofed By: Richie Kennedy


  1. Erin and Richie, thanks for enjoying my QBQ! book! I'm honored. Good stuff! Say 'hello' to the class for me! The next book, "Flipping the Switch" would also be right for you and your class! Visit us at and stay warm up there! John G. Miller,, Denver, CO
