Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Minnesota Power and design reviews
The rest of the group stayed back at IRE. Some had design reviews to do, while others had project work to complete. The big thing for today is the grading scale that was proposed to us by the faculty. Although it is still in draft form, it is a step in the right direction to get a final grading scale.
Proofed by: Cory
IRE Advisory Board Meeting
During their meetings with Ron and Dan. they discussed and edited the new IRE grading rubric, which was presented to us this afternoon.It consists of 52 compiled cometencies, with three tiers of competence, with six levels of ability.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Skills and Knowledge Competition at MRCTC
The project (building a small wind turbine) is designed to be a competition, but it will be a great learning experience for the high school students, as well as for us. We, as guides and coaches, will need to have an in-depth understanding of the process to generate electricity using the energy of the wind and the functionality of all the components. Taking on this project adds to our list of things to do, but it will be a fun volunteer activity and something different from our typical day.
Proofed By: Tyler Bartek
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Grand Canyon
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
San Diego - U.S.S. Midway
Proofed by Erin
Leslie took us on what was called the VIP tour, requiring hardhats and allowing access to restricted parts of the Dam not open to the general public. We took an elevator down to the Nevada side of the turbine floor 550 feet below the top of the dam. After a short walk, we crossed the border and started the turbine floor tour on the Arizona side. The dam has a total of 17 generating units, 9 on the Arizona side and 8 on the Nevada side. The total power capacity generated from the 17 units is 2080 megawatts. An interesting thing is that they only run up to 30 % capacity as regulating water level dictates the power output rather that producing the maximum power. Each turbine is over seven stories tall with the water hitting each turbine blade at over 60 mph.
After seeing the maintenance area for working on the turbines, we moved on to one of the connection tunnels bored to meet up with the bypass tunnels used to divert the Colorado River during the construction. Once inside we could see how the 50-foot diameter tunnels had been retrofitted with 30-foot diameter pipes that would decrease in size down to 4-foot diameter used to direct the water into the turbines.
After leaving the tunnels, we walked along the outside of the power generation area, saw the large transformers, and cantilevered overhead lines ascending the canyon walls. After a quick walkthrough of a ventilation tunnel where we could look out of the dam halfway up the side we took the elevator up to the top of the dam and walked back across the border to the visitors center where we had begin.
Quick facts about Hoover Dam
Construction began 1931 – finished 1935.
Financed entirely through the sale of hydroelectric power.
Provides water for areas of Nevada, Arizona, and California.
The Dam
• Max Height: 726 feet
• Crest Length: 1244 feet
• Crest Width: 45 feet
• Base Width: 660 feet
• Volume of Concrete: 3.25 million cubic yards
The Powerplant
• Number of Units: 17
• Capacity: 2080 Megawatts
• Length: 650 feet
• Width: 55 feet
• Height: 75 feet
Pictures will be posted in the gallery
Proofed by Erin
When entering the Zoo we were welcomed by the first exhibits that were in the Lo
The Zoo was laid out
Also, every day at the zoo they have daily features. About every hour they had a different show including presentations you could attend. As we walked by the Giraffe exhibit we could see that there was Giraffe Feeding going on, which looked amazing. Unfortunately, I did not do this and only took pictures because the line extended on past the exhibit. But being able to see the animals interacting with all the people were really cool. Another exhibit that seemed to have a line all day was of the Pandas. Everyone also seems to have a soft spot for these little cute fuzzy animals. The only thing we as a group were a little upset about was that the polar bear exhibit was being worked on was not reopening until the 26th. We knew there were 3 bears in the exhibit, but the whole thing was netted off and we could not see inside.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Pacific Coast Highway
The coast of California in one word: amazing. There hasn't been an experience in my 21 years that could match the drive along the Pacific Coast Highway... Mountains, ocean, sunset, wildlife, waterfalls... Oh yeah, and driving it with the top down in a Jeep Wrangler.
Yesterday (March 20th), Ron, Andrew, Richie, and I took off from San Francisco on what we anticipated would be a 12 hour car ride down the coast of California on Hwy 1. The first stop was about two hours into the trip in Santa Cruz, CA, and we thought what would be better than driving through the town to look at the Pacific? As we pulled up, the beach was semi-populated with a few die hard surfers trying to catch the morning waves, and at the end of this beach, was an outcropping of rocks with a lighthouse standing strong against the wind and the waves. Of course, there was the 'click' of the camera, and as fast as we drove in, we drove out.
The weather was starting to warm up, and what better way to soak up spring break weather than stopping at a beach? This led us to stop at Moss Landing State Beach, which was right off of the highway. As we drove in, on a little bridge across an inlet several cars were parked. So, being tourists, we also had to stop to look at whatever everyone else was staring at. In the water was a HUGE otter, and he (or she) was flailing around madly. After several minutes of debate, we concluded that the otter was trying to break open either a clam or oyster to get some food. The otter had placed a rock on his/her belly and was smashing the clam against it in hopes of some grub. (See video at the end of blog)
On up the beach we went, parked the car, and took our shoes off to walk in to warm sand. Only a few things are better than the ocean breeze blowing on my face and the warm sand beneath my feet!
After the beach, we kicked the traveling into high gear… at least for a little while. The views that came with the Pacific Coast Highway were stunning and, at times, a little high up for my liking. Nevertheless, seeing the cliff faces, jagged rocks, and watching the ocean unmercifully pound them again and again with its powerful waves is something I will always take with me. This scene happened all across Hwy 1 along with stretches of road that drove inland to the little towns that were scattered along the California coast. There was one such place called Big Sur, and at a little hole in the wall burrito restaurant/general sto
re, we stopped to have an amazing lunch of burritos and jalapeno chips. At this point, we decided that it was warm enough to bring the top of the ‘09 Wrangler down. How many engineers does it take to take the top off??? Better left unsaid… Anyway, we were back on the road with the wind blowing in our faces, and unfortunately, so was my hair. A couple minutes and a ponytail later, all four of us were jamming out to our favorite songs not caring about anything, but the beauty of the road ahead. Which so happened to give us more vistas, and even a waterfall.
Meanwhile, the ocean had created a dense cloud of fog and coldness. As we drove down the coast, we could see a vast wall of darkness that kept creeping closer until the Wrangler and all four of its passengers drove bravely into it with the top still down. Okay, I’m not going to lie, it got to be pretty cold. In our stubborn attempt to keep the top down and stay warm, we put on more layers and cranked the heat. However, our efforts were futile, and a couple more miles down the road, we pulled over and reluctantly, put the top back up.
To me, one of the best parts of the drive was seeing animals in their natural environment, especially when they are animals I don’t normally get to observe. Personally, seeing one sea lion would have been cool, so seeing 65 at once was awesome. As we were driving along the road we had come to an area that was low tide with sand poking up from under the ocean water. On this sand were 65 sea lions and a crowd of people watching them. Naturally, we pulled the Wrangler around to once again act like the tourists we were and stare at these creatures. Andrew decided he wanted a closer look, so out of the Jeep he went and strolled through the fence and across the field to where the rest of the people were standing. Here is where he snapped a couple photos as the sea lions slept and scooted across the sand on their belly which is, by the way, quite a hysterical sight. Back through the fence and into the open door Andrew came after a couple more pictures of some sea lions in the water, and once more, we were off.
Sadly, the daylight had to end sometime. As we were driving through the city of Ventura, the sun decided to kiss the crests of the ocean wave’s goodnight and slowly drift out of sight in the distant horizon. Here, we stopped to get our supper of subs and chips. In a half an hour, we climbed back into the Wrangler, only this time, the interstate was our destination and not the splendor of the Pacific Coast Highway. At eleven o’clock pacific time, we rolled into the Holiday Inn Bayside in San Diego, CA, top still up on the Wrangler, ready for rest and relaxation so that we could be rejuvenated for our next adventure…
P.S. Somehow, the drive time of 12 hours was actually 14. What a day.
Proofed by Ron
IRE in San Francisco

The afternoon portion of the day was spent down at the Fisherman's Wharf. The wharf has a bunch of little shops and cool places to eat. Pier 39 was the most popular of the places on the wharf. At the end of the pier we got to see sea lions. They came in and sat on the docks. It was pretty cool.

Overall, it was an exciting and eventful stay in San Francisco. I forgot to mention that the weather was seventy and sunny while we were there. But all good things come to and end, and it's off to San Diego to continue our adventure.
Proofed by Christy
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Mankato to Crescent City (3100 miles!)
Right after our class on Friday, we headed out to Rapid City, South Dakota; a long drive and quick stop. Then, it was off in the morning for another day of driving, bunking down for the night in Missoula, Montana. Between these two cities, we stopped at Mount Rushmore and did some driving through the beautiful mountains.
After Missoula, we headed to Seattle. Seattle was a fun city. Andrew previously stated that we went whitewater rafting and go karting. We explored the city a little bit and found Kerry Park, which is an overlook of the city. We also found Counterbalance Park. This was just a little corner in the city, filled with lights and a story about a trolley in the city. This was at the bottom of a hill. The trolley was hooked to a counterbalance weight. The weight was released and came down the hill when the trolley needed to get to the top of the hill. The morning before we left Seattle, we all visited the Fish Market in downtown Seattle. This was a very interesting little part of town filled with produce shops, fresh fish shops, book stores, cafes and restaurants. It was a lot of fun.
From Seattle, we traveled down to Astoria for a night. We enjoyed a dinner at the Silver Salmon, took a trip over the Astoria Bridge, visited the house the Goonies was filmed at, the Astoria Column, and Fort Stevens.
Proofed by: Andrew
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Rafting and Go Carts in Seattle
Today was awesome. We started the day off with a scenic drive to northern Washington. We got an excellent view of several mountains and the Snohomish River. Then we went river rafting down class 4 rapids. We had three great guides who got us all down the river safely, and made sure we had a blast. The water temperature was 35 degrees and this was their first run of the season. At a few points our guide, Craig, had us spinning down the river like a top. Because it is early in the season, the water level is low, which makes it a slightly slower but much more technical trip. It was hard and required a lot of teamwork, but it was an amazing experience.
After this we had a few hours of downtime, where several of us went walking and driving around Seattle. After everyone met back up, we went go-cart racing. The competition consisted of a practice round, a qualifying race, and a final race. The practice round was a 12 lap race to get familiar with the track, Roth and Austin had the best times. For the qualifying round we went 14 laps, our best lap time was used to arrange us in two groups of 6, from fastest to slowest. We started the final round in order of our best lap time, but the winner was the first one to cross the finish line. I had the second position in my heat; I passed Alex in the first lap and lapped Richie by the end, to win the first place medal. Today was incredibly fun, and it will be hard to top, but will do it.
Proofed by Roth
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mankato Class
proofed by: Austin and Alex
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Spring Break Update
After the next three days of our class here in Mankato we will set out towards the west coast.
I have decided that I will post pictures of town water towers or signs along the way to show where we have been.
Today, on our way south, we made a stop in Grand Rapids, MN.

Out of the Office Events
Friday, March 5, 2010
Learning Plan
To answer this question takes a little background. If you consider the last two years of an engineering degree, the knowledge and skills a student learns can be broken into some unit. For example, a student might be expected to learn 1/4th of their competencies in a semester, if they have four semesters in their last two years.
At IRE our unit is a project. If a student does x projects in their time at IRE, then each project should represent 1/x of their learning. Right now we are in the process of making visible to the students what 100% of their learning should look like. To do this we have identified all of the technical knowledge and professional competencies that they should acquire/attain. To quantify this we use "arrows" to represent a continuum from 1-10. A continuum from novice to expert. We use Bloom's Taxonomy to show low level learning at 1 and high level synthesis/evaluation at 10. We consider that "work-ready" should equate to a 6 which is higher level analysis. Our expectation is that an IRE graduate will attain a 6 or higher in the vast majority of the nearly 100 "arrows".
As the students prepare a work-plan to describe how they will meet the clients needs for a project, they are also preparing a learning-plan to show what learning they will need to do during the project cycle. This learning plan should account for 1/x of their IRE learning. Included in the learning plan:
- What technical and professional competencies are being addressed?
- What is the student's individual starting level in that competency?
- What is the student's target level for the end of the cycle?
- What learning activities will be used to empower the student to achieve this new level? In other words what resources are needed - faculty, external expert, peer, research, self learning.
- What assessments will be employed to guide the learning?
- What are the different kinds of evidence that will demonstrate that the learning has been achieved?
Right now we are in J1. The first industry project in the junior year. The learning plans are being developed in conjunction with the design work plans.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Power Trowel Solution Application
Proofed by: Cory Moran
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
New Projects
Proofed by: Tyler Bartek